A Critical Review of some pictures and images that are attributed to be the miracle of Allah or Islam
Through the Internet (or sometimes also in the form of printed leaflets, etc.) we often receive an email that talks about 'evidence of Allah's greatness or miracle of Islam' or 'miracles of Allah' or simply contains a link to a site / blog which includes news or explanation of what is considered or claimed to be 'a clear proof of Allah's verses or its existence'. Usually, the news are in the form of a surprising: the form of images or natural events that are 'strange' or unusual. For example, the appearance of the written words for Allah or its last messenger, Muhammad or sentences related to Islam on the things from nature. But some go further than that, like the ones below.
But, before we examine such pictures, lets consider the followings:
- Have we ever enquiry or question the authenticity of such images? May be it is just a painting, a creative work of its artist (like the trees that form the tahlil sentence: laa ilaaha illallaah)? May be it is even a forgery or falsified pictures (like the ones discussed below)?
- What if there are also natural occurence of other words or symbols related to other religions or beliefs, such as the face of Jesus or a cross? They can also claim that such things are the miracle of their gods, the evidence of the greatness and truth of their religions.
Look at this: >> example 1 :: example 2. - Honestly, do we need to proof the truth of Islam or the greatness of Allah this way?
This writing does not aim to put aside the greatness of Allah or debunk the truth of Islam, but to show that those acclaimed miracle pictures often miss the point or do not even serve as evidence. This passage calls for Muslims to be more critical and do not just re-distribute such 'miraculous pictures' without reviewing them first.
The greatness of Allah, the miracle of Islam or the truth about the words of God are self-evident in the content of the Qur'an. When we ponder the many verses of the Qur'an, learn them and act according to its teachings and message, we will surely find that Islam is the true religion and Allah is the Great!
'The Miracle' of Floating Rock in Jerusalem? Or is it a hoax?

To begin with, just look at the image at right. It is a widely spread picture in the internet, especially within muslim community. Some call this floating rock, some flying rock or stone. Some even call this a miracle of Allah, of the Prophet or Islam. What make the picture an 'attention grabber' are also the stories that accompanied the emails or blogs about it.
Here are several summaries of the stories:
It is said that the rock is in Jerusalem. It was the rock where the Prophet Muhammad stood when he begin the ascend to heaven during the Israk Mikraj event. The rock was said wanted to follow the Prophet ascending to heaven, but the Prophet stop it. So it stopped the ascend and staying afloat until now.
Another story adds the above description and said that it is is now under the Dome of the Rock, in the Palestine. Some said the rock is now tightly guarded by the israely soldier as not to attrack muslim and to cover the miracle of the Prohet of Allah.
Some said it is a rock in eastern part of Saudi Arabia, in a village called Al Hassa. The rock is said to float about 10 cm from the ground at a specific time every year and then sit back on the ground.
Many muslims believe the stories and account the picture to be true and eagerly said: 'Allahu Akbar! (Allah is the great!)' or 'this is the miracle of Allah'. Many others questioned it. Still among the non-muslims, the picture raised some doubt and questions: is the picture real?
From my point of view, it is just a hoax because:
1. The picture is 'too good to be true'. If it is floating, and in open air, near a village (see the car, electricity cables and the house), flocks of people, radio and tv channel crews, and all sort of media would surely have published the pictures and the story. It should already have had its own blog, for sure. Yet, we only have this single picture and vague comments about where and what it is.
2. The story about the rock has no authentic reference from the islamic sources like hadiths or the saying of the Prophet. (if someone has the proof that IT HAS, please let me know)
3. It can be shown that the picture has been somehow manipulated or doctored. Several people pointed to the part below the rock, under the shadow. See below.
The true story of the 'floating rock'
After sometime of believing that the picture is not true without able to prove it, I finally come accross an arabic forum where the members discussing this. Thanks to image search engines, I can show you the pictures below that show the original rock in several viewing angles. The pictures show why the 'floating rock' is almost so convincing that many people reject to accept that such is only a manipulated image. The rock itself is unique, and is supported by at least three rock structures below it. The supporting rocks seem to be a continuous part of the rock that unite it with the ground. The supporting rocks are relatively very small compared to the size of the rock above them.
That fact explains why it is easy to manipulate the rock to be 'floating'. By photographing the rock at the right angle, one can have a picture where the supporting rock can be erased without manipulating other part of the whole image. Such small manipulation was enough to produce the miraculous 'floating rock'.
Here are several of the pictures:

From the forum, I also learned that the rock is actually located in Al Ahsa, near Tuwaithir village in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia. You can see what the place looks like and the many unique rocky structures it has here, in Panoramio. There is also another reference to the original rock in flickr.
The original picture of the rock under the golden Dome of the Rock (Quba al Shahra)

Concluding remark
I hope this is enough to prove that the so-called 'floating rock' - and the miracle story that accompany it - is not true. For fellow muslims, I just want to say that we should not hurryly believe pictures or stories that is attributed to be the miracle of Allah, or Islam. We can still be a believing muslim, even if we do not believe such 'miracle pictures'.
That rock is nothing compared to the Power of Allah.
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